It helps you to build better deployment with:
Once you signed up for Virtualmaster account you need to install CLI tool. To prepare your workstation for installation you need to install Ruby and RubyGems.
For Linux distribution based on Debian:
# apt-get install ruby rubygems
For Windows use: RubyInstaller
For Mac OS X: Do nothing and relax. Ruby is already installed…
With environment set you can install CLI tool simply by:
# gem install virtualmaster
Before first run you need to configure credentials for API access.
# virtualmaster config
Running virtualmaster for first time
Your API credentials are available from
Enter API username:
Enter API password:
Now you should be able to test the configuration by listing available instances.
# virtualmaster list
No instances found
No surprise here. Command-line tool has been able to connect to our API, authenticate and retrieve information about your instances (none so far). To fix it, lauch your first virtual server.
# virtualmaster create myserver
Using image with ID 124
Creating 'micro' instance (512 MB memory/10 GB storage)
Instance launch request accepted. Instance ID 12345
Default password 'NcjL@8fB'
Waiting for instance................
Instance ready.
Try to login using 'ssh root@'
Now you have installed VirtualMaster CLI and successfully launched your first server. To find out more information, please, check out virtualmaster-cli [GitHub repo]