Virtualmaster is hiring!

Frontend developers read on:

Know Javascript a bit? Do you want to get in touch with modern tech?

Then please send short summary, including answers to questions bellow to Do not send attachments.

  • Do you have any hobby project online? Give us a few words about it. Is there a repository?
  • Which language is youngest of theese? [perl, java, javascript, php, erlang]
  • What is the worst drawback of jQuery?
  • Would you use AngularJS for a new project? Which version?
  • What is your favourite IDE?
  • What is your favourite OS/distro?
  • Would you share your twitter/linkedin/blog/github/wtf handle?

Should you have any questions, feel free to call +420.272047822

$("button").on("click", () => {


Backend developer missing

Know Ruby and Rails allready? Or did some java/python/php programming and would like to learn something new?

Then please send short summary, including answers to questions bellow to Do not send attachments.

  • Do you have any hobby project online? Give us a few words about it. Is there a repository?
  • How old is original author of ruby?
  • What is the benefit of eager loading in rails?
  • Which kind of data store would you use for system managing students, teachers, classrooms and lectures?
  • What is your favourite IDE?
  • What is your favourite OS/distro?
  • Would you share your twitter/linkedin/blog/github/wtf handle?

Should you have any questions, feel free to call +420.272047822

class Foo
  def self.sync(email)
      Email.where(email: email).each do |eml|
    rescue Exception => e
      puts "\nError syncing #{email} #{e.inspect}"
      raise e if ['Interrupt','SyntaxError','LoadError'].include?(e.class.to_s)